Athena The Great Greek Mythology 2 oz Antique finish Silver Coin 2000 Francs CFA Cameroon 2024 Proof Coins Collection – TopWorldCoins. Zajecza 15 , 00-351 Warszawa Polska. Athena The Great Greek Mythology 2 oz Antique finish Silver Coin 2000 Francs CFA Cameroon 2024. The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts, her presence a beacon of intellect and skill. Athena, guardian of cities and justice, is an embodiment of strategic prowess and intellect. Her wisdom is symbolized by the owl, her might by the shield. Gracefully held in her hand the figure of Nike is accentuated with gilding, representing triumph. Each detail on the 2 oz coin glorifies her role as a protector, educator, and strategist. The silver’Athena’ coin is a reminder of the goddess who enlightened mortals, shaped arts, warfare, and justice in the ancient world. Discounts on new coins for registered users. High relief, Selective gilding. For Australia – UPS only.